Tobacco Control and Health Care Systems
Vermont’s tobacco cessation resource at Vermont Department of Health, with focus on tobacco use among Medicaid members; engaging health care providers; and systems changes to include prescriptive authority for pharmacists.
Promoting protective factors to support resilience and healthy development
Project LAUNCH
Training, technical assistance, and tools for 50 states and tribal nations for the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Sexual Health
Real Life. Real Talk.
Designed to create open, honest, and balanced talk about sex and health in America. Funded in part by the Ford Foundation and sponsored by Planned Parenthood® Federation of America.
Substance Abuse
Aspenti Health
Behavior change technical assistance on a stigma reduction campaign for those in recovery.
Make Your Moment Now
Vermont's obesity prevention testimonial campaign. Done in collaboration with Rescue Agency for Vermont Department of Health.
Tobacco Control
Countering tobacco industry's influence on youth in the retail environment. Done in collaboration with Rescue Agency for Vermont Department of Health.
Civic Engagement
Barrios Saludables, Niños Sanos (Healthy Neighborhoods/Healthy Kids)
Civic engagement for 4th and 5th graders in the Dominican Republic, done for the Vermont Institute on the Caribbean (now Caribbean Agroecology Institute)